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Context-aware text tool for Figma

Get AI-generated text suggestions tailored to your design context in Figma.


Forget writer's block

Latest AI models

Using up-to-date AI technology to optimize your design content and ensure contextually appropriate text.

Context is king

We “see” your design, generating text that seamlessly fits your design's function, style, tone, and length.

Think big or get into the details

Work with a single text layer, group, frame, or the whole page in Figma for tailored optimization suggestions.

Light and dark mode

Switch between light and dark themes to suit your preference.

10x design process

Save time

Our solution streamlines manual text adjustments in Figma, giving you more time for design.

Top content

Generated text aligns with your style and length preferences effortlessly. Enjoy professionally crafted text.


Enhance designs with SEO-optimised text for impressive and high-ranking content.

Get UIQuill for free


Experience UIQuill's power with a free trial, then choose the plan that fits your needs.




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One-time payment

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Unlimited usage

Create and improve  as much content as you want

Up-to-date AI models

Always the latest AI technology under the hood

Early-bird features

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